

报告题目 美国中老年人心血管疾病死亡率与空气污染的关系

报告人:   邵永照教授


报告时间: 201542  14:55

报告地点: 图书馆一楼报告厅


AbstractAmbient air pollution is a modifiable risk factor of greater importance for mortality than low physical activity, high sodium diet, and high cholesterol.  Of all United States federal regulatory standards, compliance for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) avoids the most premature deaths, primarily from cardiovascular disease. This talk will discuss a literature review on adverse health effects related to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and present some new findings from studying a large cohort of senior United States adults. The study design and statistical data analysis will be discussed. This talk is based on joint research projects led by Professors Richard B. Hayes and George Thurston at New York University School of Medicine. This research was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (1R01ES019584-01A1), as well as by the NYU-NIEHS Center of Excellence (Grant ES00260).  



*Information on Speaker Dr. Yongzhao Shao

Dr. Shao studied mathematics as an undergraduate (1981-1985) and mathematical statistics as a graduate student (1985-1987) at the Department of Mathematics at Beijing Normal University. He was a biostatistics faculty member at Beijing University School of Health Sciences from 1987 to 1990. He obtained his Ph.D from Tufts University in 1994. Dr. Shao was  then an Assistant Professor (1994-2000) and Associate Professor (200-2003) at Department of Statistics at Columbia University. In 2003, he joined the Division of Biostatistics at New York University School of Medicine where he is currently a Professor of Biostatistics (with tenure) in the Department of Population Health and the Department of Environmental Medicine and NYU. Dr. Shao has published more than 80 peer reviewed papers in leading statistical and medical journals and is an elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association.
